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SHEFFIELD Artist brings OPTIMISTIC ART just in time for Christmas! ‘SMALL MERCIES’ exhibition launch

The team behind Artcade Gallery are excited to announce their next exhibition 'Small Mercies' by John Pedder which opens on Saturday 5th December.

Artcade is a concept gallery & shop, showing and selling the work of Sheffield's finest contemporary Artists.

For Printmaker Pedder, has a basic need to create. 'Small Mercies' is the output of his daily dose of limited edition woodcut printing. A month before the UK went into lockdown, John started 'Small Mercies' to 'conceive, carve and print a small woodcut pop of joy' each day to put a smile on his face. As the project progressed, and the bewildering world around him changed, John's daily reflections were hand-carved, printed and shared online. This acted as a positive and humorous moment in the lives of others. The exhibition is a collection of 'such moments, Small Mercies', a much-needed reminder in these trying times to do something that makes you feel good every day. These un-connected drawings and prints have built up a pattern of John's life over a number of months and he hopes this will allow the viewer to connect to this positive creative journey.

John plans to work on a huge 8ft x 4ft woodcut print inside the gallery space which will then lead into a live print for the public to view on the 19th of December. He will also be working and printing in the space on the 10th, 11th, 12th, 16th, 17th and 18th. They will give regular updates on social media with times the gallery will be open on these days.

Public access to Artcade will be every open day above between the hours of 10am - 4.30pm.

For private viewings, any questions or to arrange interviews with the featured Artists please contact Liah


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